Signed in as:
Signed in as:
Update from the Committee
LAA AGM: The LAA Annual General Meeting will be held on 23rd April at the Jack Lee Hall, Woodside House.
Trust status: The Association is now registered with HMRC as a trust.
Digswell: Many thanks to those who made donations for the bench at Digswell – we plan to locate the bench close to the pond in memory of Ian Cocksedge – a long-serving member of the committee who sadly died shortly before Christmas.
A tree has partially fallen and is leaning on the back of the compost heat - this will require trimming during a future work party.
Broadwater: An IBC (intermediate bulk container) has been located adjacent to the mower shed and is now collecting rainwater from its roof. Awaiting quote to run pipework from the IBC to a water trough.
A ‘dead hedge’ has been constructed on site from tree prunings and other foliage – dead hedges provide a natural habitat for insects, birds and small mammals.
Work parties: These will be held at both sites on Saturday 26 April
Water Supplies: These have been turned off at both sites to reduce the risk of frost damage over winter. The water supplies will be restored in the spring, ahead of the next growing season.
Shop at Digswell: On its final scheduled opening day of the year, the shop sold out of compost and manure. Consequently, there was an additional, unscheduled opening for compost and manure only. Again, these were sold out!
LAA as a Trust – as the Association handles money on behalf of its members it is deemed to be a trust as part of anti-money laundering legislation. We are in the process of registering with HMRC, with our Chair and Treasurer as trustees.
Broadwater: There is an intermediate bulk containers (IBCs) on site: a container which holds 1,000litres of water which will be used to collect rainwater from the mower shed.
Waiting List: Our waiting lists have declined over recent months and waiting lists are now less than a year. We have therefore produced a flier to encourage new applicants. Please feel free to share this with friends, members of your family or work colleagues if you think they may be interested in taking on a plot. The flier can be downloaded from the following link:
Summer Barbecue – The 2024 Summer BBQ will take place 0n Sunday 8thSeptember from 12:30. Please make try and come along to enjoy the food and drink and meet fellow plot-holders.
Burgers, sausages, vege-burgers and tea/coffee/soft drinks will be provided but, as usual, please bring salad, fruit/dessert, cake, wine etc. to share with others, as well as crockery and cutlery for your own use.
The cost still remains £6.00 per adult, £3 for a child, or £20.00 for a family of two adults and up to 4 children. Please reply to emails from the LAA account if you wish to attend or, alternatively, speak to any Committee member
Seed Catalogue – The latest Kings Seed catalogue is available to all members of the Association. This enables you to purchase your seeds, onion sets, seed potatoes etc. from Kings Seeds at a discount, plus provides a modest income for the Association.
Hard copies of the catalogue and order form are available from the shed at Broadwater and the kitchen at Digswell and members can also access these by logging on to the NAS website, using the login and passwords that have been issued by email, along with details of how to make payment (by bank transfer). If you haven’t received these details please contact a Committee member.
Please note that the deadline for placing your order is Friday 25th October.
Work Parties - The next work parties will take place from 09:30-12:00 on Saturday 7 September at both our Digswell and Broadwater sites.
Beehives at Broadwater – Having prepared a site for the hives at a work party earlier this year the first bees were delivered in mid-July. Keith is the bee-keeper - please say hello if you see him on the site (but be duly cautious of any bees that may be nearby).
JUNE 2024
Annual General Meeting – The association’s 48th AGM was held on Wednesday, 24th April, at the Jack Lee Hall, Woodside House, WGC.
It has been another strong year for the Association, with plots being let almost immediately and ensuring full occupancy at both sites, with eleven new tenants at Digswell and four at Broadwater. The waiting time for new members to be allocated plots is approximately one year after application.
There have been a number of long-term investments to improve facilities for members. These include metal covers for the water troughs, the replacement of a bench at Digswell (which was co-funded through a generous donation from a plot-holder), tree clearance at Broadwater, the creation of a wildlife pond at Digswell, centralised rainwater collection at Digswell, and the replacement of garden furniture for the annual barbecue. Also, the mower shed at Digswell was replaced after being damaged during the storms.
There had been health and safety inspection over the past weeks and that there were no major concerns. Both sites are currently in good condition and plots are well presented.
Louise Humphries updated those present on developments at WHBC and spoke about rainwater harvesting and water resilience. This was well received and gave the committee the opportunity to thank Louise for the Borough’s responsiveness in dealing with maintenance issues at both Association sites – repair to the boundaries fence at Digswell following the recent storms, addressing problems with the gate and fences between the site and neighbouring dwellings at Broadwater, etc.
Andrew highlighted some of the investment that was necessary over the year which, in addition to those listed in the Treasurer’s report, include the replacement mower shed at Digswell which was damaged during one of the winter storms, and the purchase of an additional mower.
The shop enjoyed a record turnover this year and Andrew expressed thanks to Barbara Wilton for running seed scheme on behalf of the Association.
The Association held its annual barbecue, which was again a success. Andrew thanked Sue and Peter and Dave for their help in organising and providing catering on the day.
A number of community events have taken place over the year, including a cubs’ visit to the Digswell site and a school visit at Broadwater. These have prompted the Association to apply for status as an Asset of Community Value (ACV).and both sites were designated ACVs by Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council in March. These are the first allotment sites in the east of England to be awarded ACV status which provide additional protection against site development.
Finally, Andrew then expressed his thanks to Christine Smith (who resigned from the committee this year) for her work over the years as both Secretary and Membership Secretary.
APRIL 2024
Annual General Meeting – The association’s 48th AGM is will be held on Wednesday, 24th April, at the Jack Lee Hall, Woodside House, WGC, at 7 pm. Light refreshments will be provided, and there will be a raffle (free entry).
This is an opportunity for all our members to hear about plans for the Association and to voice your thoughts on how it can be improved. We will we will be discussing the area of water resilience ( how to conserve more and how to use less), and receive an update on allotments within the borough from the council. We hope that you will be able to attend.
As usual, it will be a good opportunity to get an update on matters relating to the LAA, to share thoughts on how we can further improve the Association, and to socialise with fellow Members.
Broadwater – Having cleared a space near the car park at a recent work party we’re hoping to have two beehives on site this spring.
Digswell – Following the damage caused by heavy winds earlier in the year the mower shed has now been replaced.
Membership Subscriptions – A big thank you to those of you who have renewed their subscriptions. Reminders will be sent out over the next week or so to those that are still unpaid. We are pleased to report that rentals for the coming season remains unchanged from last year.
Contact Details – We are experiencing difficulties sending group emails to our members with gmail addresses which we hope to resolve soon. . If you have changed email address or are not receiving email updates from the Association please send your latest contact details to us at
We have found that some of our email notifications have been directed to members’ junk folders – you can help to stop this happening if you add the LAA email address to your contacts list.
Work Parties: The next work parties are scheduled for Saturday 27 April from 09:30-12:00 at both our Digswell and Broadwater sites.
Annual Subscriptions: invoices for the 2024/25 season’s subscriptions and rent will be sent out to Members at the beginning of March together with payment details. The cost of the sub and rent remains unchanged, and that prompt payment would be much appreciated, ideally by bank transfer.
Annual General Meeting: This will be held on Wednesday, 24th April, at the Jack Lee Hall, Woodside House, WGC, at 7 pm. Light refreshments will be provided.
This is an opportunity for all our members to hear about plans for the Association and to voice your thoughts on how it can be improved – please attend if you can.
If any member would like to give a short informal talk at the AGM or knows of someone who would do this, please let us know.
Work Parties: We will be scheduling work parties at both sites during April, July and September – exact dates yet to be confirmed.
Mower volunteers needed: We are seeking volunteers to help with the maintenance of our mowers. The works involve blade sharpening, oil changes etc., and do not require any knowledge of engines. If you would like to help the association please tell your site rep or contact us via the WhatsApp group or by email at:
Digswell: Two IBCs (intermediate bulk containers) have been delivered to site and guttering installed to collect rainwater for all plotholders at Digswell. The storage capacity is close to 2,000 litres. Immediately following the installation (and possibly during) there was heavy rainfall and the containers collected 400 litres overnight - an early indication of the system's effectiveness.
Some large trees were felled by storms late in 2023 but the council were quick to clear the areas affected. A further storm has caused further damage, particularly the mower shed. As a temporary measure the mowers are now being stored in the "cat shed".
Broadwater: The council has attended to the dropped gate and is in the process of repairing the fence bordering the residential properties at the south eastern corner of the site.
Work Parties: Extensive work has been done to create a nature pond at Digswell and to restore the pond at Broadwater. Many thanks to those who helped with these initiatives. Dates for future work parties will be shared via email, web-site, WhatsApp group and newsletters.
Waiting Lists: Our waiting lists are slowly reducing and there are now sixteen applicants on the waiting list for each site, with nine people on both lists. Waiting times are now approximately 18 months.
Natural Pond – On 7th October work started at the site of the natural pond.
Allotment ponds are an attractive feature and have the potential to help you maximise your growing efforts - they are a retreat for frogs and a feeding ground for hedgehogs and birds – all of which are pest controllers.
Water Harvesting at Digswell – Two IBCs (intermediate bulk containers) have been delivered to site and guttering installed to collect rainwater for all plotholders at Digswell. The storage capacity is close to 2,000 litres. Immediately following the installation (and possibly during) there was heavy rainfall and the containers collected 400 litres overnight - an early indication of the system's effectiveness.
For images of the installation see the blog below.
Bench Restoration – The "iron bench under the big oak tree" been restored to its former glory for the benefit of all visitors to the site. The metal bench ends and centre were still in excellent condition but the wooden slats had rotted away so six slats have been replaced in hardwood (Iroko).
Many thanks to Bindra for his generous contribution to the cost of materials. Also to the six muscular members of the association that moved it to our resting place.
Summer BBQ – The 2023 Summer BBQ took place on 10 September at the Digswell site. Once again the event was well attended and (once again!) Thomas Markatopoulos won the prize for growing the largest pumpkin (congratulations, Thomas).
The Association would like to express its thanks to Peter, Sue and Dave for again stepping up to the grill. We are sure that everyone greatly enjoyed the food and the day.
Kings Seed Catalogue – the deadline for ordering from the latest Kings Seed catalogue is Monday 30 October. All members should have received an email containing the catalogue, and order form and instructions. An online brochure available from the following link:
Water tanks – new metal covers have been fitted to all water tanks at both our sites. These should be a lot more durable than the previous plywood covers which were showing signs of age.
Scout Visits –Late in September at the Digswell site we hosted approximately 30 Cubs (1st Welwyn Garden City) who are seeking their gardening badges. They were learning about the types of crops which can be grown and harvested throughout the year, the tools that are required, and biodiversity (i.e. the “mini-beasts”) that allotments support.
The weather was kind and as plots were descended upon in swarms and the cubs sampled blackberries, raspberries, mangetout, carrots (complete with dirt) and even a late spear of Asparagus! Digging for worms was another highlight.
Natural Ponds – There will be a meeting on Saturday 7th October (10 am) at Digswell to make arrangements for clearing the site, measuring and ascertaining levels for the pond and determining future action.
The area around the pond at Broadwater was been cleared during the16th September work party. The pond had become stagnant and this will allow more light to allow the pond to recover.
Summer Barbecue - Please join us at the 2023 Summer BBQ at the Digswell site on Sunday 10th September from 12:30. Burgers, sausages, vege-burgers and hot/soft drinks will be provided but please bring salad, fruit/dessert, cake, wine etc. to share with others, as well as crockery and cutlery for your own use. The cost is £6.00 per adult, £3 for a child, or £20.00 for a family of two adults and up to 4 children. Contact any Committee member if you would like to come along to enjoy the food and drink, meet old friends and make some new ones.
LAA WhatsApp Group - If you would like to join the Association’s WhatsApp group please ask your site rep to add you to the circulation list.
Digswell– There will be a work party on Saturday 16 September from 09:30-12:00. Further details to be provided closer to the time.
An email has been sent to Digswell plot-holders concerning the introduction of a natural pond on the site. Positive responses were received from several members. The Committee will now give thought to details such as dimensions and design, and agree how the pond can be progressed.
The problems experienced with the pump seems to have been overcome and that at the moment the use of mains pressure to fill the tanks is satisfactory.
Broadwater – The working party of 8 June was a great success and an area close to the car park has been prepared for the two bee-hives that we are planning to host. Many thanks to those who helped out on the day.
The condition of the pond has deteriorated and a working party will be arranged to help restore it. Details to follow.
Dust and other construction waste from the Bio-Park demolition has continued to be a problem which has been reported to the Council. A response has been received stating that a construction management plan (CMP) had been developed for the site to ensure that construction waste materials travel as short a distance as possible and to control dust generation. The Council consider that this plan has not been adhered to and have requested that urgent action be taken by the demolition contractor to prevent these issues from occurring again.
JUNE 2023
LAA Annual General Meeting – our 47th AGM was held on Wednesday, 19th April 2023 at Jack Lee Hall, Woodside House.
The event was well attended with eight representatives from the committee and 25 other members.
It was a good opportunity to celebrate some of the improvements that have been made over the year: displaying plans at each site showing members’ names and the locations of communal fruit trees; the continuing growth of the LAA WhatsApp group (now with 80 members), the annual Barbecue which had its highest ever attendance, numerous woodchip deliveries; successful work parties at both sites; laurel hedge trimming at Digswell and repairs to the gate at Broadwater. Suggestions for further improvements include a wildlife pond at Digswell, marking parking spaces at Broadwater, a different competition at the barbecue (maybe one for children), and further rainwater collection.
The Association’s accounts were agreed and it was reported that all rents and subscriptions were received by 6 April (another record!) and an increasing number of members are paying on-line. Existing Committee members were re-elected and Kate Sims volunteered to join the Committee. Thanks were given to all Committee members for their work over the year and to Barbara Wilton for (again) co-ordinating the seed scheme.
A number of long-standing members have recently left the association including Gavin Duncan at Broadwater (sadly, deceased), as well as Neil Holmes-Smith, Cyril Phelps, Colin Pope and Philip Fotheringham at Digswell. Philip was a past-Chairman and Treasurer and all were wished well.
Louise Humphreys, Landscape and Allotment Officer at Welwyn Hatfield Council, spoke briefly about developments in the borough, experiences of other sites in Welwyn and Hatfield (which, like ours, are experiencing a higher turnover of tenants since the end of the pandemic), and the need to renew our existing lease which expires in 2024 (only minor changes anticipated before we renew for another ten years). Louise confirmed there is a statutory requirement to provide allotments in the Borough and responded to a number of questions from the floor.
Andrew explained that it was hoped to change the Association year to align (if only approximately) with the calendar year so that new tenants have a chance to work their plots before the start of the growing season. If permissible within the new lease, we hope to introduce this from 1st April 2024 with pro-rata (reduced) invoices for the remainder of that calendar year.
The meeting ended with a raffle and a chance to chat with fellow gardeners.
APRIL 2023
Annual General Meeting – The association’s 47th AGM is will be held on Wednesday, 19th April, at the Jack Lee Hall, Woodside House, WGC, at 7 pm.
Light refreshments will be provided, and there will be a raffle (free entry) and a ‘seed swap’ table so that members can exchange any spare and surplus seeds and seedlings.
This is an opportunity for all our members to hear about plans for the Association and to voice your thoughts on how it can be improved. We hope that you will be able to attend.
As usual, it will be a good opportunity to get an update on matters relating to the LAA, to share thoughts on how we can further improve the Association, and to socialise with fellow Members.
Membership Subscriptions – A big thank you to those of you who have renewed their subscriptions. Reminders will be sent out over the next week or two for the few remaining unpaid membership fees.
Contact Details -We have found that some of our email notifications have been directed to members’ junk folders – you can help to stop this happening if you add the LAA email address to your contacts list.
School Visit - On Friday 24th March, the Broadwater site had a visit from a class of Year 5 pupils from Templewood school. The 30 children, together with their teacher, teaching assistants and a few parents, spent just over an hour on site as part of their ‘Sow, Grow and Farm’ topic.
They were keen to understand what was growing, what problems allotment holders have to overcome, and our facilities (our composting loo being a highlight for the second year running. Feedback from the school indicated a high level of engagement with some children reportedly asking their parents if they could have an allotment.
Work Parties: These are scheduled for the following Saturdays, from 09:30-12:00: 15th April and 16th September at both our Digswell and Broadwater sites.
Health and Safety Inspections – our six monthly inspections will take place in April at both sites so please ensure your plots and free from broken glass and any other potential hazards.
Annual Subscriptions: invoices for the 2022/23 season’s subscriptions and rent will be sent out to Members at the beginning of March together with payment details. The cost of the sub and rent remains unchanged, and that prompt payment would be much appreciated, ideally by bank transfer.
Annual General Meeting: This will be held on Wednesday, 19th April, at the Jack Lee Hall, Woodside House, WGC, at 7 pm. Light refreshments will be provided.
This is an opportunity for all our members to hear about plans for the Association and to voice your thoughts on how it can be improved – please attend if you can.
If any member would like to give a short informal talk at the AGM or knows of someone who would do this, please let us know.
Lock Combinations: The combinations at both sites were changed in January to improve security. If you do not know the new combination please either contact your site rep or contact us via the WhatsApp group or by email .
Digswell: The Council has made repairs to the pipework work in the pump house so the tanks should now fill more reliably than experienced towards the end of the last growing season.
Broadwater: There will be a school party would visit Broadwater on Friday, 24th March, following the success of the one last year.
The Council arranged for the gate repaired in late 2022 and it now operates as if new.
Work Parties: These are scheduled for the following Saturdays, from 09:30-12:00: 15th April and 16th September at both our Digswell and Broadwater sites.
Skips: Both sites have been surveyed and found to be in good order and so deliveries of skips will not be made during 2023.
On behalf of the LAA Committee, I wanted to wish you and your families a very Happy Christmas and an abundant New Year.
My abiding memory of this year was innumerable trips with the watering can, despite which my beans and raspberries were miserable. That said, other crops thrived in the heat; I have enough chillies in the freezer to last for years!
The Association lost a few familiar faces and gained a number of new members. Demand for plots remains strong, with a waiting list of c2 years being maintained.
Our shop was very well patronised - I would like to thank not only our customers, but those that helped unload innumerable bags of muck, as well as my fellow shop assistants.
Given the heat, water availability was of course at a premium and was (mostly) uninterrupted. At Digswell, we have replaced the main pump and recently upgraded the supporting pipework, to hopefully ensure continuity of supply for years to come.
Further work at both sites should help ensure a safe and productive environment for all our Members.
Andrew Hepher (LAA Chair)
Summer Barbecue – The 2022 Summer BBQ took place on 11 September at the Digswell site. The event took place only three days after the death of Queen Elizabeth whose sad passing was toasted by those present.
More than seventy members of the association attended the event. There was some concern that this would provide logistical challenges with regard to parking and seating. However a combination of lift sharing and members bringing their own folding chairs.
The Association would like to express its thanks to Peter and Sue once again for organising the grill and cooking the selection of sausages, burgers and vege-burgers. We are sure that everyone greatly enjoyed the food and the day.
Pumpkin Competition - Congratulations to Thomas Markatopoulos regained the prize for the largest
pumpkin from Christine Smith (he was also commended for growing the second and third largest pumpkins!).
Kings Seed Catalogue – The latest Kings Seed catalogues have now arrived and are available to collect from the Digswell Kitchen or the Broadwater shed. Please note that the deadline for ordering is 31 October. We have ordered fewer catalogues this year and encourage those with access to the internet to access the online brochure.
Summer Barbecue – Please join us at the 2022 Summer BBQ at the Digswell site on Sunday 11th September from 12:30pm. Burgers, sausages, vege-burgers and hot/soft drinks will be provided but please bring salad, fruit/dessert, cake, wine etc. to share with others, as well as crockery and cutlery for your own use. The cost is £6.00 per adult, £3 for a child, or £20.00 for a family of two adults and up to 4 children. Please come along to enjoy the food and drink, meet old friends and make some new ones.
Contact any Committee member by Friday 2nd September to reserve a place.
LAA WhatsApp Group – If you would like to join the Association’s WhatsApp group please ask your site rep to add you to the circulation list.
Digswell– There will be a work party on Saturday 10 September from 09:30-12:00. Please help if you can.
Broadwater – The working party of 21st May was a great success - the car park area has been transformed and the Association is extremely grateful to those who attended. The next work party on Saturday 10 September from 09:30-12:00.
JULY 2022
Annual General Meeting -
LAA Annual General Meeting – our AGM was held on Wednesday, 27th April 2022 at Jack Lee Hall, Woodside House. Because of restrictions caused by the Covid pandemic, was the first meeting since 2019 and was well attended with 32 members in attendance in addition to those on the Committee. The Treasurers Report and Chairman’s Report were received and those existing Committee members standing for re-election were proposed and seconded, as were new Committee members Bev Kleiser and Kayleigh Tuvey. Then followed two discussions: the first led by Louise Humphreys, Landscape and Allotment Officer at Welwyn Hatfield Council, who talked about Longcroft Allotment Association’s relationship with Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council and the latter’s management of various allotment sites in Welwyn/Hatfield; the second encouraged the No-Dig method of cultivation which was encouraged by Kayleigh Tuvey (Digswell). Other members are using this method and Sam Miller (Broadwater) highlighted a version of the No-Dig method known as Hugelkultur (see article below). The meeting ended with wide-ranging discussion arising from an invitation to those present to suggest ideas for improving the Association to the benefit of its members. The minutes of the AGM are available from the members’ area of the web-site:
Summer Barbecue – The 2021 Summer BBQ will take place on Sunday 12th September - 1pm, at the Digswell site, Brockswood Lane. Please come along to enjoy the food and drink, meet old friends and make some new ones. LAA WhatsApp Group: The WhatsApp group continues to be well used for exchanging seeds/plants, weather updates, sharing success stories, welcoming new members and various other purposes If you haven’t joined yet and would like to then ask your site rep to add you to the group.
APRIL 2022
Annual General Meeting – Following a two-year lull caused by the pandemic, we are planning to hold the Association’s AGM this year. This is planned for 7-9pm on Wednesday 27th April, at the Jack Lee Hall, Woodside House, Welwyn Garden City. Light refreshments will be provided. We hope that you will be able to attend. We will circulate an agenda closer to the date. As usual, it will be a good opportunity to get an update on matters relating to the LAA, to share thoughts on how we can further improve the Association, and to socialise with fellow Members.
Membership Subscriptions – A big thank you to those of you who have renewed their subscriptions. Reminders will be sent out over the next week or two for the few remaining unpaid membership fees.
The Shop – There was a good day of trading when on the shop’s first day of the year: Saturday 26th February. A price list was sent to those members who have supplied email addresses in advance so that members were aware of the range available. Contact Details - If you have changed email address or are not receiving email updates from the Association please send your latest contact details to us at
A Fond Farewell – to Paul and Pauline Canter after maintaining plot 129 at Digswell for 27 years. They send best wishes to fellow plot-holders and leave with happy memories of their time with us.
2021 was the second year dominated by COVID. Thankfully, our members have generally remained healthy, and hopefully will continue to do so. Most of our plots have continued to be well tended as other leisure options have been subject to restrictions. Our waiting list for plots continues to grow as others have developed an interest in leisure gardening.
Our AGM was cancelled during 2021 (for the second year in succession) but we are hoping to run this as normal during 2022.
Thankfully, we were able to host the summer barbecue which was well attended. Once again the food, drink and company was appreciated by all – with members bringing a selection of salads and Mediterranean delights to supplement the on-site cooking. Many thanks to Peter, Sue and Dave for stepping up to the grill. Thomas surrendered his crown as Christine Smith won our giant pumpkin competition.
The LAA WhatsApp chat group continues to grow in membership and has become a good way of keeping in touch with fellow gardeners. If you would like to join the group you can ask your site rep to add you to the group or use the following link: Please remember to use email (rather than WhatsApp) to contact the Committee and don’t share WhatsApp details with non-members.
In terms of facilities, the past year has seen further deliveries of pallets and wood chippings, which have been well received. Major tree pruning work has been undertaken at both sites (which has resulted in further wood chippings being available to members. And, of course, we've replaced the water pump at Digswell which had become unreliable.
Both the LAA shop and the Kings Seed scheme were well patronised and the move to monthly opening on a Saturday with touchless payment has proved highly successful.
The finances of the Association remain healthy, and we are open to suggestions from all members for any ideas on how we might use some of our funds for the benefit of all. Please get in touch if you have any thoughts.
Annual General Meeting: Having been forced to cancel for the past two years because of Covid, we are hoping to hold our first AGM during spring 2022. This is an opportunity for all our members to: hear about plans for the Association; to voice your own thoughts on how to enhance our Association; and to socialise with fellow allotment holders. Once a date and venue are arranged further details will be communicated to all our members.
Tree Pruning: A number of fruit trees on individual plots at both of our sites are now excessively large, to the point where they are casting a considerable shadow over neighbouring plots (which is why we insist that all new fruit trees must be on a dwarf root stock).
Also, some of the trees around the car park at Broadwater are now restricting the availability of parking spaces.
As such, we feel that it is necessary to get in tree professionals to conduct a major reduction of selected trees in the next couple of months. Normally, maintenance of fruit trees situated on plots is the responsibility of (and hence cost for) the respective plot-holder. However, as an exception, the bill for this reduction will be met from Association funds.
Once Council permission has been obtained, it is hoped to carry out the work before the end of the year. However, plot-holders having a tree (or trees) on their plot due for reduction will be consulted before any such work is undertaken.
Digswell Water Pump: The pump and its controls have been replaced at the Digswell site so, from the start of the next growing season, tanks should automatically refill as normal.
Water Supplies: These have been turned off at both sites to reduce the risk of frost damage over winter. The water supplies will be restored in the spring, ahead of the next growing season.
Shop at Digswell: The shop is now closed for the winter and will re-open in early spring 2022.
Kings Seed Scheme: Orders have now been placed for the Kings Seeds which has been very well patronised by our Members. As usual, seeds will be with us before Christmas, and potatoes by the end of January. Thanks again to Barbara Wilton for her work in managing the Scheme for us.
2021 was the second year dominated by COVID. Thankfully, our members have generally remained healthy, and hopefully will continue to do so. Most of our plots have continued to be well tended as other leisure options have been subject to restrictions. Our waiting list for plots continues to grow as others have developed an interest in leisure gardening.
Our AGM was cancelled during 2021 (for the second year in succession) but we are hoping to run this as normal during 2022.
Thankfully, we were able to host the summer barbecue which was well attended. Once again the food, drink and company was appreciated by all – with members bringing a selection of salads and Mediterranean delights to supplement the on-site cooking. Many thanks to Peter, Sue and Dave for stepping up to the grill. Thomas surrendered his crown as Christine Smith won our giant pumpkin competition.
The LAA WhatsApp chat group continues to grow in membership and has become a good way of keeping in touch with fellow gardeners. If you would like to join the group you can ask your site rep to add you to the group or use the following link: Please remember to use email (rather than WhatsApp) to contact the Committee and don’t share WhatsApp details with non-members.
In terms of facilities, the past year has seen further deliveries of pallets and wood chippings, which have been well received. Major tree pruning work has been undertaken at both sites (which has resulted in further wood chippings being available to members. And, of course, we've replaced the water pump at Digswell which had become unreliable.
Both the LAA shop and the Kings Seed scheme were well patronised and the move to monthly opening on a Saturday with touchless payment has proved highly successful.
The finances of the Association remain healthy, and we are open to suggestions from all members for any ideas on how we might use some of our funds for the benefit of all. Please get in touch if you have any thoughts.
Annual General Meeting: Having been forced to cancel for the past two years because of Covid, we are hoping to hold our first AGM during spring 2022. This is an opportunity for all our members to: hear about plans for the Association; to voice your own thoughts on how to enhance our Association; and to socialise with fellow allotment holders. Once a date and venue are arranged further details will be communicated to all our members.
Tree Pruning: A number of fruit trees on individual plots at both of our sites are now excessively large, to the point where they are casting a considerable shadow over neighbouring plots (which is why we insist that all new fruit trees must be on a dwarf root stock).
Also, some of the trees around the car park at Broadwater are now restricting the availability of parking spaces.
As such, we feel that it is necessary to get in tree professionals to conduct a major reduction of selected trees in the next couple of months. Normally, maintenance of fruit trees situated on plots is the responsibility of (and hence cost for) the respective plot-holder. However, as an exception, the bill for this reduction will be met from Association funds.
Once Council permission has been obtained, it is hoped to carry out the work before the end of the year. However, plot-holders having a tree (or trees) on their plot due for reduction will be consulted before any such work is undertaken.
Digswell Water Pump: The pump and its controls have been replaced at the Digswell site so, from the start of the next growing season, tanks should automatically refill as normal.
Water Supplies: These have been turned off at both sites to reduce the risk of frost damage over winter. The water supplies will be restored in the spring, ahead of the next growing season.
Shop at Digswell: The shop is now closed for the winter and will re-open in early spring 2022.
Kings Seed Scheme: Orders have now been placed for the Kings Seeds which has been very well patronised by our Members. As usual, seeds will be with us before Christmas, and potatoes by the end of January. Thanks again to Barbara Wilton for her work in managing the Scheme for us.
Summer Barbecue – The 2021 Summer BBQ took place on 12 September at the Digswell site. The event was well attended and we have a new winner of the annual prize for the largest pumpkin – congratulations to Christine Smith.
The Association would like to express its thanks to Peter, Sue and Dave for again stepping up to the grill. We are sure that everyone greatly enjoyed the food and the day.
Digswell – The pump on the water tank and associated controls were replaced during September – hopefully water should now be available whenever it’s needed.
An Elephant Hawk Moth caterpillar was spotted Digswell over the summer – these grow to lengths of more than 80mm and are one of the UK’s largest caterpillars.
Broadwater – We have arranged for plumbers to repair the tanks (leaky pipe to the northernmost tank and adjustment to float valve on the southernmost tank).
Committee Membership - Annette Bloor had stepped down from the Committee. At its last meeting our Chair registered a vote of thanks to her for her valuable time on the Committee.
Summer Barbecue – Please join us at the 2021 Summer BBQ at the Digswell site on Sunday 12th September from 1pm. Burgers, sausages, vege-burgers and hot/soft drinks will be provided but please bring salad, fruit/dessert, cake, wine etc. to share with others, as well as crockery and cutlery for your own use. The cost is £6.00 per adult, £3 for a child, or £20.00 for a family of two adults and up to 4 children. Payments can be made (before Friday 30thAugust) via site reps, committee members or at the Digswell Shop on opening days. We look forward to seeing you there!
LAA WhatsApp Group – If you would like to join the Association’s WhatsApp group please ask your site rep to add you to the circulation list.
Security: Options for security cameras are being looked into for the Digswell site. If a cost-effective solution can be found it will be implemented and, if successful, could also be implemented at Broadwater.
Digswell – There is a problem with the water pump at the site. We are expecting a new one to be installed within the next few weeks.
Future work parties will be scheduled to coincide with shop openings, with the next one taking place on Saturday 14th August.
Broadwater – The site inspection is complete and only a few plots are of concern – those plot-holders will receive notification shortly.
JUNE 2021
Summer Barbecue – The 2021 Summer BBQ will take place on Sunday 12th September - 1pm, at the Digswell site, Brockswood Lane. Please come along to enjoy the food and drink, meet old friends and make some new ones.
Membership Subscriptions – All members have paid their annual subscriptions with record numbers of plot holders paying on-line. A big thank you to all members for your prompt payment. The subscription includes membership of the National Allotment Society which brings a range of benefits to all our members.
LAA WhatsApp Group: - The WhatsApp group has been an enormous success with members receiving notifications of woodchip deliveries, sharing plants, and offering or receiving advice on our crops. If you haven’t joined yet you can scan this QR code using the camera icon within WhatsApp.
Digswell – Health and safety inspections have been undertaken at the site and found to be generally in good order. Particular progress was observed with regard to those members keeping hens and the response to the recent avian flu outbreak
Broadwater – Plot inspections are getting underway as we move into the growing season.
Woodchip Deliveries - Members are encouraged to make use of the deliveries of woodchip to both sites over recent weeks.
APRIL 2021
Health and Safety Inspections – The next inspections will be undertaken during April. Please take care to ensure that your plots are safe and tidy– e.g. that there are no trip hazards and any broken glass is removed from plots. There is evidence of rat holes at some parts of our sites so please try and control their presence by blocking runs, regularly turning compost heaps, and restricting discarded fruit and vegetable to compost bins/heaps.
Membership Subscriptions – A big thank you to those of you who have renewed their subscriptions. Reminders will be sent out over the next week or two for the few remaining unpaid membership fees.
AGM/Barbecue Update – Details of arrangements for our Annual General Meeting and the Association’s barbecue are subject to the easing of Lockdown restrictions and we hope to be able to announce firm plans by the end of May.
The Shop – There was a good day of trading when on the shop’s first day of the year: Saturday 20th March, with members making use of contactless payments including iZettle. A price list was sent to those members who have supplied email addresses in advance so that members were aware of the range available. Contact Details - If you have changed email address or are not receiving email updates from the Association please send your latest contact details to us at
Digswell – There was a strong turnout for the working party on 3 April which cleared the former ‘cat-shed’. This generated unwanted items that are now piled up outside the shed - help yourself if any items are of use.
Broadwater – A Muntjac deer recently found its way to the site from the railway embankment border - thank you to those who helped to escort it off the premises.
New Members – No new members have recently joined but our waiting lists are continuing to grow.
Coronavirus continues to affect us and we encourage members work their allotments during the lockdown, either alone or with members of their families/household, observing social distancing and good hand hygiene when working plots and when using the locks when entering/ leaving the site.
Although unable to yet confirm dates, we are optimistic about the prospect of holding an Annual General Meeting later in the year along with our main social event - the summer barbecue.
The existing committee members have confirmed that they are all willing to continue to perform their roles.
Annual Subscriptions: invoices for the 2021/22 season’s subscriptions and rent will be sent out to Members at the beginning of March together with payment details. The cost of the sub and rent remains unchanged, and that prompt payment would be much appreciated, ideally by bank transfer.
Digswell: Pruning has been undertaken at the site over the winter.
Broadwater: The replacement roof has been fitted to the shed.
Woodchip Deliveries: there have been deliveries of woodchip to both sites over recent week with further deliveries expected in February.
As we approach the end of this very strange (and in some ways forgettable..) year, I would like to summarise LAA-related events over that time and look forward to 2021.
Of course, the picture is dominated by COVID. Thankfully, the great majority of our members have remained healthy, and hopefully will continue to do so. Most of us have also been able to enjoy our allotments to the full - a great source of comfort, especially during the lock-down periods. This can be seen in both our sites, which have never been so well tended, and in our waiting list for plots, which has never been so long!
Two casualties of the pandemic for our Association were the cancellation of both the AGM and the summer barbeque. Both are highly sociable, fun events and we look forward to being able to run these as normal in the coming year. In terms of virtual ‘getting together,’ we did launch the LAA WhatsApp chat group, which has been well used, so I would encourage all Members to join in.
For our giant pumpkin competition, Thomas Markatopoulos again produced the goods, with his winning pumpkin weighing in at a hefty 200 kg, something that made the local newspaper! He has plans for even bigger and better in 2021, so we hope that other Members are able to step up and provide some healthy competition.
In terms of facilities, the past year has seen quite some improvements at the Broadwater site, with work carried out on the front gate and perimeter fencing, as well as the addition of a fourth water tank. Most recently, the mower shed has been strengthened and received a new roof, all funded by the Council. We have also arranged more regular deliveries of pallets and wood chippings, which has been well received.
At the Digswell site, work-parties cleared several badly overgrown areas. In addition, we have sub-divided several large (7 pole) plots, creating three new allotments for people on the waiting list.
The LAA shop has also been well patronised, despite lock-down constraints. Moving to a monthly opening on a Saturday has concentrated demand from our Members and helped us with stock management. The new touchless payment facility has also been welcomed, with very few transactions now made using cash. The intention is to continue this approach next year, opening once a month during the growing season (apart from April, when we will likely open twice). A list of opening dates for the shop will be published early in the new year.
I am pleased to report that the finances of the Association remain in good shape, despite spending money this year on the new water tank, as well as skip hire, mower upkeep etc. If you have ideas for how we might use some of our funds for the benefit of our Members, please get in touch.
I would like to express my thanks to the LAA Committee, as well as a number of other Members, who have worked hard for the common good over the year. In particular, to Helen McLean who decided to relinquish the roles of Shop Manager and Digswell site representative at the beginning of 2020. In both roles Helen has made a major contribution to the LAA and we owe her a great debt of gratitude.
In summary, I think that for most of us having an allotment has provided an enjoyable and safe haven over what has been a very difficult year. Hopefully, the new vaccines will see us back to some sort of normality in the first half of 2021. Spring is a time of renewal, so bring on those green shoots!
Meanwhile, I would like to wish you and your families a Happy Christmas and a happy, healthy New Year.
(19 July 2020)
We continue to be affected by Coronavirus and recommend that members work their allotments during the lockdown, either alone or with members of their families/household.
The Government have now removed the limit on exercise time.
Members should practice good hand hygiene when working your plot and when using the locks when entering and leaving the site, and observe social distancing from other members.
Do not attend the plot if you have Coronavirus symptoms or a family member is self-isolating.
Please ensure that children and pets at our sites are closely supervised by the plot-holder.
(13 May 2020)
We are recommending that our members follow National Allotment Society (NAS) guidance, and we will be monitoring their advice and updating this web-page if this changes.
Longcroft Allotment Association members can work their allotments during the Coronavirus (Covid19) lockdown - either alone or with members of their families/household. You should practice good hand hygiene when working your plot and when using the locks when entering and leaving the site, and maintain a social distance of 2-3 metres from other members.
Allotments are a means of getting exercise as recommended by the government (and for obtaining food during this crisis).
The Government have now removed the limit on exercise time.
Do not attend the plot if you have Coronavirus symptoms or a family member is self-isolating.
(27 March 2020)
After the Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s address to the nation on Monday 23 March, Chancellor Michael Gove (Minister for the Cabinet Office) clarified matters relating to ‘exercise’. He said people would be allowed to run, walk or go to an allotment, but that more social activities, such as playing golf, were not allowed.
BBC Gardener's World Magazine has listed some considerations covering:
2020 Pumpkin Competition: Thomas Markatopoulos has repeated his success of last year and grown the Association's largest pumpkin of 2020. The seeds for the pumpkin, and all others used in this year's competition, were saved from the previous winning pumpkin. The variety is Atlantic Giant which can produce specimens of more than 1,000kg!
Water Supplies: These have been turned off at both sites to reduce the risk of frost damage over winter. The water supplies will be restored in the spring, ahead of the next growing season.
Shop at Digswell: Next year we plan to open the shop once in March, twice in April and then once monthly until October, with dates announced and a rota in place from the beginning of the season.
Broadwater: The Council has funded the repair to the walls and the addition of a new roof to the communal shed. Work started on Monday, 26th October and was completed by the following week.
Digswell: Site/plot inspections have been completed.
Annual Barbecue: Subject to coronavirus restrictions permit, we still hope to hold our annual barbecue in September. If and when this happens we will set the date and update members of any arrangements.
LAA WhatsApp Group: A WhatsApp group has been set up for LAA members across both sites to allow members to communicate without having to go through the committee. If you would like to join the group you can you can ask your site rep to add you to the group.
Two important points:
Broadwater: The mower shed has suffered some ground movement, resulting in damage to the roof. Its repair is scheduled for the end of July.
Digswell: The next work party will be held on 25 July from 09:30-12:00. Please lend a hand if you can.
Annual Barbecue: Subject to coronavirus restrictions permit, we still hope to hold our annual barbecue in September. If and when this happens we will set the date and update members of any arrangements.
LAA WhatsApp Group: A WhatsApp group has been set up for LAA members across both sites to allow members to communicate without having to go through the committee. If you would like to join the group you can you can ask your site rep to add you to the group.
Two important points:
Broadwater: The mower shed has suffered some ground movement, resulting in damage to the roof. Its repair is scheduled for the end of July.
Digswell: The next work party will be held on 25 July from 09:30-12:00. Please lend a hand if you can.
Coronavirus – We are recommending that our members follow National Allotment Society (NAS) guidance as summarised below. We will be monitoring their advice and updating our web-pages if this changes.
Longcroft Allotment Association members can work their allotments during the Coronavirus (Covid19) lockdown - either alone or with members of their families/household. Members should practice good hand hygiene when working your plot and when using the locks when entering and leaving the site, and maintain a social distance of 2-3 metres from other members.
The toilet facility at Broadwater and the toilet/kitchen facility at Digswell have also been closed until further notice.
Allotments are a means of getting exercise as recommended by the government (and for obtaining food during this crisis). Government Ministers suggest that an hour’s walk is reasonable and have asked us all to limit time spent outside the home. The NAS believes that an hour or two is reasonable to undertake the jobs that need doing for that day and then to return home.
Do not attend the plot if you have Coronavirus symptoms or a family member is self-isolating.
Please ensure that children visiting our sites are closely supervised by the plot-holder, in order that everyone observes proper social-distancing rules.
National Allotment Society (NAS) guidance is available from:
Additional information about staying safe on the allotment is provided by BBC Gardener's World Magazine:
Waiting Lists – This currently stands at fourteen for Digswell and ten for Broadwater. No plots are currently available at either site.
AGM Update – IWe are hoping to hold the AGM later in the folling its cancellation in March due to Coronavirus.
The Shop - In view of the Coronavirus spread and out of respect for the health of both customers and helpers, we feel it appropriate to close the LAA Digswell shop until the situation returns to normal.
Waiting Lists – There are currently eighteen people on the waiting list for plots with ten queuing for the Digswell site and eight at Broadwater. No plots are currently available at either site.
AGM Update – In the light of the growing concern and uncertainty over the spread of the Coronavirus, the AGM, due to be held on Wednesday 18th March was postponed. We will look to hold this event later in the year, once the situation has normalised.
Pumpkin Competition - We will be repeating the LAA competition to nurture the largest pumpkin, as judged at our September BBQ. Thomas Markatopoulos has kindly saved seeds from his prize-winning 'Atlantic Giant' pumpkin. These are available from the Digswell shop this Sunday and next. However, as with other items these days, seeds will be limited to a maximum of three per person. If you would like to have a go but cannot make it to the shop, please contact Helen McLean or Andrew Hepher.
The Shop - In view of the Coronavirus spread and out of respect for the health of both customers and helpers, we feel it appropriate to close the LAA Digswell shop until the situation returns to normal. However, we also appreciate that this is approaching peak demand time for supplies of compost, manure etc. Given this, we will open the shop on Sunday 22nd and 29th March, from 09.30 - 12.30. After this, the shop will close for an indefinite period.
Digswell – Thanks are due to Thomas Markatapoulos has erected a wishing well over the cess pit – see News Item.
Plot markers needed to be repainted and it was agreed that this could be done at the next work party.
It was noted that the gate to the site requires adjusting, which will be arranged.
Broadwater – The additional water tank at Broadwater was installed in February and is ready to use for the coming growing season. A cover will be fitted over the coming weeks.
A skip will be delivered to the site later this year – watch this space.
If any of our Broadwater members have thoughts on ways to help increase their use of the shop at Digswell please send ideas to Andrew Hepher, LAA Chair, at
Water supplies to tanks – these have been isolated to prevent frost damage to pipework over winter. Quotes for an additional water tank at Broadwater have been obtained by the Committee and permission has been obtained from the council to install it – members can look forward to improved availability of supplies for future growing seasons.
Digswell – It is provisionally planned that the trees on the eastern boundary and it was suggested that this could be undertaken at the next work party when loppers and an extendable saw would be brought along.
Broadwater – The gate has now been repaired and an adjacent section of fence which was damaged has now been fixed with adjacent foliage trimmed to prevent the recurrence of damage
"The Shed" - The shop closed at the end of September for the winter and will re-open in March.
Digswell – Attendance at the most recent work party was rather small, but most of the jobs had been carried out.
Tree work on the eastern boundary needed to be completed satisfactorily, and rabbits had been seen on the site and any holes in the boundary would need attention.
Broadwater – The Association had received a complaint via the Council from a neighbour whose garden backed onto onto the site in relation to overgrown plants which were climbing their fence and beginning to invade the garden. The issue was addressed by a work party which was called at short notice.
Also we are experiencing problems with the gate and are in discussions with the Council about resolving this.
Water supplies - these have now been shut off at both sites to reduce the risk of frost damage over winter.
Summer Barbecue - More than fifty people gathered for our annual BBQ on 8th September 2019 at the Digswell site. Blessed with good weather everyone enjoyed the food prepared by our regular BBQ-gurus Peter and Sue, as well as various other items brought by those attending.
Overall a great day, to be repeated in 2020.
2019 Pumpkin Competition - a highlight of the barbecue was the award of the "Largest Pumpkin 2019" trophy. This went to Thomas Markatopoulos, who produced the two largest specimens, the biggest having a girth of 157cm! The results announcement was live-streamed to Thomas in Greece, while the award was presented to his wife Anna.
Anglia in Bloom - Longcroft Allotment Association has been judged the winner of Anglia in Bloom's "Grow Your Own" category. This is a great testament to the Association. Judges visited our Digswell site in late June and the results were announced at the Anglia in Bloom award ceremony held on 10 September.
Digswell –Unfortunately the event was preceded a break-in at the Digswell site one Saturday night. After cutting through the padlock on the front gate the thieves opened several of the doors in the buildings. While the shop door wasn't forced, the mower shed was opened and all the contents taken. In addition, some of the individual plot-holder sheds were opened.
Broadwater – Several pallets were delivered to site early in October to be converted to compost bins, raises beds, etc. There is also still some woodchip available at the corner of the car park – all potholders are welcome to help themselves. Summer Barbecue - More than fifty people gathered for our annual BBQ on 8th September 2019 at the Digswell site. Blessed with good weather everyone enjoyed the food prepared by our regular BBQ-gurus Peter and Sue, as well as various other items brought by those attending.
Overall a great day, to be repeated in 2020.
2019 Pumpkin Competition - a highlight of the barbecue was the award of the "Largest Pumpkin 2019" trophy. This went to Thomas Markatopoulos, who produced the two largest specimens, the biggest having a girth of 157cm! The results announcement was live-streamed to Thomas in Greece, while the award was presented to his wife Anna.
Anglia in Bloom - Longcroft Allotment Association has been judged the winner of Anglia in Bloom's "Grow Your Own" category. This is a great testament to the Association. Judges visited our Digswell site in late June and the results were announced at the Anglia in Bloom award ceremony held on 10 September
Digswell –Unfortunately the event was preceded a break-in at the Digswell site one Saturday night. After cutting through the padlock on the front gate the thieves opened several of the doors in the buildings. While the shop door wasn't forced, the mower shed was opened and all the contents taken. In addition, some of the individual plot-holder sheds were opened.
Broadwater – Several pallets were delivered to site early in October to be converted to compost bins, raises beds, etc. There is also still some woodchip available at the corner of the car park – all potholders are welcome to help themselves.
August 2019
Summer Barbecue - The 2019 Summer BBQ will take place on Sunday 8th September from 12:30. Please join us at the Digswell site for our summer event.
Burgers, sausages, vege-burgers and tea/coffee/soft drinks will be provided, but as always please bring salad, fruit/dessert, cake, wine etc. to share with others, as well as crockery and cutlery for your own use.
The cost is £5.00 per adult, £2.50 for a child, or £16.00 for a family of two adults and up to 4 children
Please RSVP with payment to any Committee member or at the Digswell Shop on Sunday mornings by Friday 30th August.
Kings Seed Catalogue – The Kings Seed catalogues for 2019/20 Broadwater Shed, the Digswell kitchen and also from the Shop on Sunday mornings. All the information you need to complete your order is provided in the inside front cover of the Catalogue. Completed order forms should completed by 27 October 2019 and returned either to Barbara Wilton at her Quadrangle address, or to the Shop at the Digswell site. These are then sent in as a bulk order, thereby giving us a better discount.
Meeting with Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council - Andrew Hepher (Chair of the LAA) met with representatives of Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council during August. The main points that came out of the meeting were:
Broadwater – There is still some woodchip available at the corner of the car park – all potholders are welcome to help themselves.
Digswell – The next Work Parties is scheduled for Saturday 7 September starting at 9:30– please help out if you can so the site is at its best for the barbecue.
Rabbits have been seen on site and the boundaries will be inspected to see if there are any gaps in the fencing that require repair.
Summer Barbecue - The 2019 Summer BBQ will take place on Sunday 8th September - 1pm, at the Digswell site, Brockswood Lane. Come along meet old friends and make some new ones.
Broadwater – The loose posts on the boundary fence were repaired towards the end of March. We’ve also had a second delivery of wood chip to the site.
Digswell – The next Work Parties is scheduled for Saturday 29 June – please help out if you can. We’d like to prepare the site for the Anglia in Bloom visit.
Anglia in Bloom – WHBC if the Association would be prepared to include our Digswell site as part of the Council's entry for Anglia in Bloom, a challenge we have willingly accepted!
Anglia in Bloom is part of the RHS (Royal Horticultural Society’s) Britain in Bloom competition - a campaign/competition to encourage the improvement of our surroundings through imaginative planting and landscaping.
This will be the second year that WHBC has entered the competition, and the first time it will have included an allotment site. Judging will take place on July 9th or 10th, so we have an opportunity p present the site at its best during the community work party planned for Saturday June 29th (9.30-12.30).
In order to avoid unwanted visitors please scramble the combinations on the padlocks whenever you arrive or live the allotment sites. Also, please don’t keep power tools or items of value on site. The Association has had an unfortunate history of break-ins, vandalism, fly tipping and theft.
If you are the first person to open the gate or the last to leave, ensure that you don’t leave the padlock with the combination showing. If you open the padlock, change the combination. If you close the padlock, change it once you’ve locked the gate.
The mowers are provided to help members keep their plots tidy. Please adjust the cutting height as appropriate before use, and empty the clippings basket return them in a clean state after use. They are one of the main expenditure items for the Committee and keeping them in good condition is in everyone’s interest.